Hey everyone! got some good news, we started animating the zombie walks for one of the scenes. Everyone in the Monster Crew is doing a kickass job! so here you'll see some of their work they done for me, from concept, design and to finished works. Here they are in all their pre-production glory, hope you diggz! I'll introduce, aight!

Rook! The Monster Basher!He's one of my main Characters in
MPD, hes the first character that I created for my pitch. He's gone through many revisions over the years, and from all of them this is the best one. check out the sweet clean ups from Alexis!

Heres Captain Lola Chavez, she's been there since the begining as well! Shes in charge of
MPD and does it with an iron fist when it comes to kicikng Monster butt. Cleaned up by the amzing Alexis (by the way Alexis is a guy, and hes Filipino.)

Meet the new guy in the MPD, His name is Zero, and has all the qualifications to take over Rooks job.IF he can do it. Hes one of my new designs, i had him floating around my head for a few months when I finally gave him a shot and from the looks of it, he came out pretty cherry. Again colors from Alexis Picar.

Ah! one of my Monster Goons! THis is the Creature from the black lagoon, and after many revisions this has to be the best one. Hes in the main bad guys crew,La Mano Peluda,which you will see later. Colors by princess Alexis.

Adnan is like a machine! Hes my prop guy, and hes done somepretty killer designs that im digging. he also did a zombie version of himself that looks sweet.

THis is Emery's designs for the short, here she did La Llorona whos from a famous Mexican Folk tale about a mother who drowned her children in a river and roams the night crying for her kids. and she also did the Chupacabras.
Heres Marcelino's Scarfish and Zombie Hellvis.Im really digging these two characters.

Tony's designs are pretty cherry, in the begining he was the only one that could match my style. Check out those designs! shazam

Sarah is my background artist! shes really good with color and design, check out those buildings and the detail on the doors. cant wait to post up more of her bgs.
Now for the 3d side of the short! Woot Woot
Joseph did a killer job with the MPD bike, even though he just roughed it out its looking pretty nice.ANd he did a bomb!

Roberts bombs are the Bomb! These are going to be use by the MPD Marines!

Other than desinging, Emery is also working hard and fast on the Rook sculpture. looking good!
Alright hope you all digg it, their is still more to come!